Engine 1

The Alert Hose Company No. 1 was officially formed on January 2, 1885 following a meeting on of a committee formed by resolution of Hook & Ladder Company #1, which occurred on December 23, 1884. Six members attended this meeting and subsequently elected the first Foreman. At that time, the company officers were known as Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Pipeman, and Assistant Pipeman. They were changed to Captain, First and Second Lieutenant in 1925. In April, 1893, a four-wheeled hose carriage was purchased for $375.00. The company’s first motorized apparatus arrived around 1915 and it was replaced in 1925 when a Maxim pumper was delivered. The first mention of Engine Co. No.1 appears in company’s minutes from November 20, 1927 but the exact date of the change from Alert Hose Co. No. 1 is not indicated in the company records. On January 9, 1936, the Board of Fire Commis¬sioners approved the name change from Alert Hose Co. No.1 to Engine Company No.1, and further authorized that the name be changed on the hood of the Maxim. Engine Company No. 1 later took delivery of Mack Model A pumper in 1952 and a 750 gpm pumper based on 1962 Ford chassis. Mack Model CF pumpers were placed in service in 1973 and 1979. The former was replaced by a 1989 Emergency One/Mack MC Series chassis, while a Pierce Quantum took the place of the latter in 2000. Today Engine Company No. 1 is allotted 36 members and its motto is "First In – Last out".
The apparatus currently assigned to Engine Company No. 1 includes a 2023 Pierce Enforcer Series 1,750 gpm engine that is designated as 3-4-9, and operates from Station No. 2. A 2007 Pierce Dash Series 1,500 gpm engine is assigned to Fire Headquarters and designated as 3-4-1.